Andrew Kötting

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Andrew Kötting is one of Britain’s most intriguing artists, and perhaps the only film-maker currently practising who could be said to have taken to heart the spirit of visionary curiosity and hybrid creativity exemplified by the late Derek Jarman. Formally exploratory and aesthetically innovative, like Jarman he is also a great collaborator, building around his various projects a community of shared interest, while anchoring his prolific production in an ongoing report on the lives of those closest to him.
- Gareth Evans Film Curator Whitechapel Gallery

The three works were made whilst Kötting was working as an artist-in-residence 
in the foothills of the French Pyrenees at Cat'Art, St Colombe sur l'Hers.

"I had noticed the light from across a field hitting a derelict building and the strange shadows cast across its shutters. The door was open and odd banging noises were coming from within.
I felt compelled to enter and record the experience on my Sanyo pocket camera. Once inside all noises grew louder but I never worked out where they were coming from."
Andrew Kötting

                                                  Looking For a Living Shadow

"A sunscape filmed from my room in La Forge at Cat’Art and mixed in with the everyday sounds of Sainte Colombe sur l’Hers.
These were gleaned from a series of late night walks that I had made through the village with a DAT recorder in search of love."
Andrew Kötting

                                                  Written on the Sun is Our Heritage 

"I had been training to swim the Channel there in the summer but when I returned in the autumn there was only caked mud and no water. I felt compelled to run backwards and forwards across the lake as homage to my having swum across it. I noticed that my shadow was always running faster. I ran many times but never caught up with it. Shadows have been with us since the beginning of time, which in itself is a form of heritage."

Andrew Kötting

                                                  I Am a Living Shadow